Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Read and Watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for free

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Opens July 17, 2009

New Japanese Trailer for Half-Blood Prince

Last week, we showed you a sneak preview of some of the screen captures from the new trailer hitting Japan for Harry Potty and the Half-Blood Prince. Now someone has gotten a solid version of the actual trailer (now with moving pictures!) onto the internet, and our friends over at bloghogwarts (which you should visit to read about Japanese trailers in Spanish) hipped us to it.

I said a lot about this trailer before I’d even seen it - judging from the ripped still images, but I think it’s cool to get a look at what marketers believe will sell to a totally different market. There’s a lot going on, mainly focusing on Harry, but it looks like a fair balance between tough personal conversations and crazy magic.

What do you think? Did you imagine the Chairman from Iron Chef was doing the voice over? Me too. I admit it, at least.


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